CORPORATE workshops


A short description


Everyone is talking about the unprecedented problems of our times.

Do you feel like you have 🛠️practical tools to problems complex problems?

I am not talking about surface level problems that can be swept up with processes, systems and outsourcing. No, those are merely complicated problems that can be reduced to simple parts, albeit with time and attention.

I AM talking about igniting curiosity, courage and creativity in your teams, community and selves so that you can ask better questions.

Or better yet, you know how to reveal hidden questions❓

WILD questions, questions worth asking.

When we have 🛠️practical tools to unravel complex puzzles into real questions, then we are one step closer to asking questions that can be solved. Rather than defining problems that are irrelevant.

👉Welcome to Moving Puzzles, where we help humans solve complex problems through play.

What makes a problem complex?

😐Simple puzzles have clear problem statements A and outcomes B, which can often be solved with one or few people in reasonable time.

🤔Complicated puzzles are similar, but instead of one clear optimal solution, there are multiple pathways, usually needing plenty of resources, but we know it will work in the end.

🙃Complex puzzles are different. They have many problem interpretations which people cannot agree on, with many possible outcomes that are mostly unknown. The problem itself changes as strategies and plans turn into actions.

Who needs a Moving Puzzles workshop?

If you seek more curious questions from yourself or your team.

If you seek creative formulations of persistent problems.

If you seek courageous teamwork.

If you seek adaptable humans who embrace change.

If you want to bring back 💡PLAYFULNESS into WORK 💯.

Do you resonate with these statements❓

I would love to hear from you.

👂Moving Puzzles workshops will suit rebels, change makers, innovators, non-conformists and the open minded.

What actually happens in a workshop?

Every workshop is different, non-linear and adapts to the participants, however you might experience the following.

❌We will moving, not stationary

❌There will be no PowerPoint presentations

❌There will be no chairs, unless they are wheelchairs!

✅Objects such as martial arts belts, wooden blocks, tennis balls and LEGO will become objects of playfulness and question-asking

✅Information will be often be delivered through games, focusing on interactions between participants

✅We might change directions, responding to what is happening right now

👍We will reflect on our experience, both conceptually and emotionally

👍Energy will sometimes be high and loud, playfulness has that effect

👍Laughing will be common and encouraged

It might feel like this!


Flexible Team Dynamics via Inspire By FM

Creative team communication via Lego Serious Play

Strategy and Planning via Lego Serious Play

Creativity and Evolution via Inspire By FM


Creativity workshops:

  • Larger groups; 10-30+
  • 2 hours minimum
  • Demystify creativity
  • Leadership development
  • No artistic experience necessary

Teambuilding workshops:

  • Smaller groups
  • Existing or forming teams
  • 2 hours minimum
  • Strategy sessions
  • Wellbeing programs
  • Private 1-1 coaching


Sharp Minds Post-Retirement

Inspire By FM
How can we grow young in our minds through our bodies?

Strictness becomes Playfulness

Inspire By FM
How do we bridge the worlds of individual strictness and playful partnering?

Restorative Movement: Walking with Ease

Inspire By FM
Restorative workshop that looks at rhythm, coordination, controlled joint articulation and ground work

Moving beyond Gymnastics

Inspire By FM
How can physical gymnastics extend into interactions, objects and our environment?

Exploration of Playful Touch

Inspire By FM
Touch is the ultimate human communication, how can have more fun playing in a safe way?

Embodiment of Ripples

Inspire By FM
Ripples of waves, bodies and relations are ripe for physical exploration?

What people have to say

Moving Puzzles showed me that creativity can be everywhere in day to day life. It put me out of my comfort zone, in a great way! Being creative with body language, while connecting with others, allowing vulnerability, creating trust and having pure fun!


~ Creativity and Evolution workshop using Inspire by FM

The workshop allowed us to express my thoughts and feelings through a physical manifestation. Overall, I walked out of the workshop feeling refreshed due to the unique style of the workshop. My team came out stronger.


~ Teambuilding workshop using Lego Serious Play


Contact us

Are you feeling curious?
Adelaide, Australia
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